Development instructions

Getting started

To develop on the WACryptolib, the interpreter for python3.7 or later must be installed (see pyproject.toml for version details).

Instead of pip, we use poetry to manage dependencies.

Automatic setup

Launch python in repository root, from inside a python virtual environment.

This will update pip, install a local version of poetry, install the python modules required by wacryptolib, and then launch unit-tests.

On Windows, poetry might try to move some DLLs it is currently using, so install might crash with file permission errors, but relaunching the installer should eventually succeed...

Manual setup

Use pip install poetry to install poetry (or better, follow its official docs to install it system-wide and avoid the permission errors mentioned just above).

Use poetry install from repository root, to install python dependencies (poetry will create its own virtualenv if you don't have one activated).

As an alternative, you can launch pip install -r pip_requirements_export.txt, but this requirements file might be a bit outdated for latest Python versions.

Launching the CLI

To try the command line interface, the easiest is to launch the script.

If you added "src/" to your pythonpath, e.g. with pip install -e <repo-root> (requires pip>=21.3), you can instead use:

$ python -m wacryptolib

When wacryptolib has been installed with pip, it exposes a "flightbox" executable which does the same as the script.

Handy dev commands

Use pytest to launch unit-tests (default pytest arguments are in setup.cfg). Use poetry run pytest instead, if poetry manages its own virtualenv.

Add --cov=wacryptolib argument to the pytest command to generate coverage reports.

Use bash to do a full checkup before committing or pushing your changes (under Windows, launch CI commands one by one).

Use the Black formatter to format the python code like so:

$ black -l 120 src/ tests/

To generate documentation, launch Sphinx commands ("make html"...) from the doc/subfolder. The "flightbox" entrypoint mentioned above should have been installed into your virtualenv first, else, some documentation generation will fail.

Release process

To release a new version of the WACryptolib, we don't need Twine, since Poetry already has publishing commands.

Initial setup

You must first register testpypi as a valid package store in Poetry:

$ poetry config repositories.testpypi

Check it then with:

$ poetry config --list

Publish a new version


$ poetry build
$ poetry publish -r testpypi

Then test this preview package in some project using the wacryptolib:

$ python -m pip install -U --index-url --extra-index-url wacryptolib

When all is verified on testpypi (Readme, files uploaded, etc.), release the package to the real pypi:

$ poetry publish

If authentication troubles, try setting credentials with something like this:

$ poetry config http-basic.<testpypi/pypi> <username> <password>